We make Entrepreneurship happen.
We develop an idea into a financially attractive venture.

«If everyone thinks you have a good idea, you´re too late.»

Paul Hawken

We support entrepreneurially minded personalities with promising ideas in all phases, from execution and financing to market readiness.

New ideas, new solutions to current problems, untapped potential and the fundamentally unconventional interest us. Tenacity, creativity, and pioneering spirit impress us. True collaborative partnering motivates us. We are ready to share the entrepreneurial risk with you and are therefore willing to engage in projects in a very early stage.

We are willing to share the risk with you.

«The value of an idea lies in the using of it.»

Thomas Alva Edison

We support innovation with competence, pragmatism, and engagement in the various execution phases. Our diverse network enables us to integrate all key partners required to bring an entrepreneurial initiative to a successful close.

Thanks to our extensive network we are also able to provide the financing required in a timely manner. Our support spans from a direct financial investment, to the acquisition of suitable investors, to a fair deal structure, and to leading negotiations up to the preparation and execution of an exit.


Minerva Partners AG
Grienbachstrasse 11
CH-6300 Zug